Kickstarter: Tablescapes by Secret Weapon Miniatures

Looks like Secret Weapon Miniatures is doing their best to take away your money with TableScapes. It's a fully funded Kickstarter that is looking pretty awesome.  It's the realm of battle if it wasn't super expensive and made so that you could actually play on it.

WIP: Secret Weapon Tau Ceti Bases

Working on some Tau for my daughter and I have some of these cool new bases from Secret Weapon Miniatures to use with them. Gonna do some clean up work on the Tau and try some OSL from the bases up to the Tau.

WIP: Alpha Legion Sorcerer on a Bike

I stole this idea from The Dice Abide.  It's a CSM Sorcerer on a bike. First thing you need to do is prime the model.  I use Vallejo Surface Primer.  Great stuff. Buy the big bottles   I used Miniataire Royal Blood for the shadows and Lagoon...

Blog Exchange!

It's simple and fun.  You have a blog and I have a blog.  Let's exchange links.  Just post your link in the comments and I will add you.

Wrap-Up: Unification Wars GT

DropZone Games just finished up their first GT and it was a big success.  1999 with allies.  They had a packed house both days and it was a fun time to be had by all.  The terrain and tables were set up great and the event ran smooth as silk.  The...