40k: DropZone’s Unification Wars GT

Tomorrow is DropZone's first 40k GT and I am coming down with something.  I blame the change of the seasons.  I am also behind on a lot of what I need to get done.  Not that I am so far behind that it will change my lists but I was hoping to have some...

GW: The more things change…No Online Sales

The first thing I do when I wake up is grab my phone and check mail and my blogs.  Not because I am addicted to the interwebs but it helps me wake up.  I get up a little after 4 AM to go to work and any little bit helps. This morning I noticed a post by...

Blog Exchange

It's simple and fun.  You have a blog and I have a blog.  Let's exchange links.  Just post your link in the comments and I will add you.

Making Bases: Skulls for the Skull Throne!

I want to say this is my first cross post article between my blog (l33tlike.us) and the Beltway Gamers site.  They are expanding their content and asked me to contribute some articles. I am happy to oblige. I want to talk bases with you and how to get a nice...