Last weekend I tried out a new list.  The list can be found here.  It performed well and despite it being CC heavy, I liked the way it performed.  So I needed to work on the models. The base above is one that I had for awhile and it belongs to a...

Chuck’s RTT: Final Thoughts

Chuck's Comics RTT is over and came in second with a record of 1-1-1.  Pretty bad but since it went by battle points, I loss by 3 points (46-43).   I love Chuck's but unless they add two more tables and get more skilled people in this will be my last time...

Warhammer 40K: RTT prep

Chuck's Comics just expanded their gaming space and is having a small RTT to break it in.  I have been prepping guys to take.  I plan on trying out a list I plan to use for the BWG Spring League.  It's different from my typical play style.  It's...

Hobby: Buying Discounts and “You mean like a BB?”

I noticed an interesting trend...buying discounts.  There are plenty of online stores that offer great deals but many of them charge shipping or require you to wait to get it.  They also take from the places that actually give you table space. Beginning of...

Blog Exchange!

It's simple and fun.  You have a blog and I have a blog.  Let's exchange links.  Just post your link in the comments and I will add you.