WIP: Abaddon

A guy was selling his CSM and he had a conversion he made in the set for Abaddon.  I started painting him up just in case I needed to use him and to give me a break from the other Heldrake.  The blade is the wrong color but I like the green.

Your List Sucks or Casual versus Competitive

First...I mean my list sucks not yours.  Your list is just fine or, at least, better than mine. I ran two lists over the weekend.  One list was a Kharn The Betrayer list and the other was an Abaddon The Despoiler.  I played Todd from SincaiN40K and his...

Warhammer 40k: Dark Angels

From Faeit 212:  Dark Angel's Pics I really don't want another army but I have soooo many models for them already.  Bastards...

12 Days of NOVA and boobies…

The NOVA Open team did a music video.  It's very bad but it looks like they had a lot of fun.  It's below:  Here are some pics of my WIP of the Slaanesh Lord on his steed.  This is for Todd over at SincaiN40k.  He loves when I play with models...