Hobby: Year in Review

Yay...Forgeworld This has been a great year for gaming.  I have done a lot and improved a lot in both my painting and game play.  There has also been a lot of change this year with all the games I play. Forgeworld and Hospital Visits  The two pics above...

WIP: Heldrake

I was going through my old saved posts that I started drafting and saw this.  This is the WIP of the Heldrake I have been using.  

Gaming: Something New

Ninja! The past two weeks haven't been good for getting 40k games in.  I missed a game last week due to my opponent getting stuck at work and this week I didn't bring an army (more on that later).  I can say that I did play some games and had a blast. Last...

Road to NOVA: 1850?! The Mayans were Right!

Looks like Mike Brandt did it and dropped the points for the NOVA 40k GT and Invitational.  He chickened out and couldn't handle double FOC.  The world is over! Actually, I am kinda mixed on it but not because I have a problem with the choice.  The...

WIP: Slaanesh Lord

Taking a slight brake from the heldrake and maulerfiend.  What started as a quick prime a few models with the airbrush turned out to be start painting the Slaanesh lord I bought.  The process was pretty simple to lay down the base coat for the model. I used...