Don’t Worry! Everything Gonna Be Alright!

I have spent the week in Jamaica with the family.  I will say one thing.  Spending the Thanksgiving Holiday on a tropical Island when the weather where I live in in the 40's is great.  I am sunburned, got drunk and jumped off a cliff.  I am missing...

WIP: Alpha Legion Batch Painting

As I work on the Maulerfiends and Heldrake, I saw this on "From the Warp".  I wanted a quick and dirty way to paint my Alpha Legion without going through the same lining I am doing for the vehicles.  It's too time consuming and gets to be a pain...

WIP: Maulerfiend and ponderings

After a horrible performance at the last BWG event, I am left retooling my list and a few strategies.  I think the list is solid but I need to play test with it some more (obviously).  I also don't know if mauler fiends are right for each list...

BWG Final Fight Tournament: The List

Here is what I have settled on bringing.  I can say I have very little experience with the list but I should, at least, be fun. Typhus, Warlord Sorcerer, MofN, Mastery Level x3, SofC, Spell Familiar Plague Zombies x 35 Plague Zombies x 35 9 Chaos Space...

Typhus List

Here is a list I have been messing with.  It's a Typhus list but not the 210 zombie spam list. Total Roster Cost: 1999 Typhus Sorcerer (Mark of Nurgle, Mastery Level 3, Sigil of Corruption, Spell Familiar) 34 Plague Zombies 1 Plague Zombie Champion 34 Plague...