Infinity N00B: GnS Tournament 7/25

Last event before GenCon.  Unfortunately, it looked like a for people canceled the last second.  We were down to 5.  Missions were Beacon Land, Cold Sleep and Coffin Raiders. Mission 1: ByeI was actually slated to play Stephen but I didn't want to give...

The Road to NOVA: Don’t Call it a Comeback!

Man have I been busy.  Between work and getting prepared for NOVA I haven't had much time for anything.  I haven't played Infinity for almost a month.  Last week was the first time in a long while.  I played a game against a newer player.  He...

Road to NOVA: Get to the Med Bay STAT!!

Been busy getting things cut for NOVA but wanted to post a few pics of some WIPs.  Can't say much more right now but the big unveil will be before NOVA at GnS and maybe DW if I have time.

Road to NOVA: I4 Invasion (Aftermath) NOW W/ PICS!!!

I started off on a high note and then came crashing down. I started the event 2-0 (13 points) but I ended up 2-2 (17pts).  I should have been 3-1 but my last round opponent was patient where I was not. More on that later.The event was run great and a lot of fun....

Road to NOVA: It all starts with the I4 Invasion

The "Dire States: I4 Invasion", Saturday, will be my first recorded ITS 2015 event.  GnS has been slow to get the required codes to have their events recorded officially so this will be my first to get my rank.  My Combine Army is with me in Florida to help...