Road to NOVA:  End Game

Road to NOVA: End Game

NOVA is done and I am tired.  I ended up only staying three days.  Thursday was the Malifaux story encounter.  Fun event with a lot of flavor that had you wanting more.  Friday and Saturday were Infinity.  Sunday was called on account of a...
Infinity N00b: Sending Them Up the Bomb

Infinity N00b: Sending Them Up the Bomb

In this installment, I talk about the "Muttawi’ah Bomb" and the proper way to use it.  Bloodgod corrected me on the proper use of Impetuous and he might have won a tournament (or 4) recently.  I guess that matters some what.To do this you need to things: a...
Road to NOVA: Almost There

Road to NOVA: Almost There

After the physical and mental test that was Gen Con, the NOVA Open is almost here.  NOVA is probably the best war gaming convention I have been to.  This will be my first year not playing 40k and I am really excited. I have not had the energy to even pick up...
Operation: Gen Con (Mission Accomplished)

Operation: Gen Con (Mission Accomplished)

My Cthulhu FezGen Con is over and boy am I tired.  I had a blast and really enjoyed myself.  I didn't know what to expect other than getting face stomped.  Magno and crew ran a great event and I really enjoyed everything.  Everyone was very...
Operation: Gen Con

Operation: Gen Con

I am making my way to Indianapolis to partake in the circus that is Gen Con.  I originally signed up for two Infinity events but managed to find someone that was selling their ticket for Friday.  So I will be spending this weekend rolling dice and pushing...