Custom slaanesh soulgrinder

By knowsaj Still have a lot of greenstuff work to do but the basic idea is there. I just wanted a more slaanesh looking soulgrinder and she/it will match my fiends. Ill post more pictures when I finish it and start painting.

Soulgrinder progress

By knowsaj   So with the new demon book I needed to change my slaanesh list. One of those changes is adding Soulgrinders to the list. Also since I've been having so much fun playing the new daemons book( probably because it reminds me of how to nids should play) I...

Zone of mortalis

I was just excited to use swarmlord Played a game of zone of mortalis at battlemallet this week and it was awesome. I played tyranids in my first two games and dusted of my sisters of battle in my last game but due to battery life only got pictures of the tyranids. I...

apoc nids vs guard and marines

A friend of mine invited me o play in a apoc game they where playing in on Saturday a couple of weekends back. I agreed knowing it was going to be a busy weekend of 40k. Saturday morning we where starting this apoc game, that night I was playing my escalation league...

apoc followed by apoc

due to holidays and some family drama I was unable to post but I should have a few games I played posted on here in the next few days but to hold you over till then. A couple of weekends ago I played two apoc games in one weekend, one in which TheGraveMind played with...