Thon Available to Buy

You may remember a long while back The Shell Case looking at a truly gorgeous looking game called Thon. It briefly appeared on kickstarter but was cancelled due to some important changes in the game that meant it wouldn’t be ready for market. I must admit that I...

Firestorm Armada 2nd Edition – A Review

First an apology for being so quiet for so long. I was on holiday for a week which should have warranted an explosion of writing on my part. But there was no wifi. Heck there was very little phone signal. And chasing a toddler around acres of woodland, it turns out,...

10 Years of Dawn of War

I was surprised to learn today that it’s been 10 years since the release of the original Dawn of War game. This auspicious occasion couldn’t be marked without a few words about a game that I not only invested hours of my life in but helped redefine the RTS...

Ork Stormboyz – A Review

It’s no secret that I’ve riding the green tide. It’s equally common knowledge that I’ve managed to cobble together 1,000 points already. None of it’s painted yet but that’s fine as the deal between myself, Mat & Lee is that we...

Ork Bommer – A Review

The Codex was largely responsible for me finally starting an Ork army but as I’ve always said time and again, you have to love the models you’re collecting or the project will simply never get finished. This is true or all armies in every game ever...