The Shell Case Reloaded

Hopefully by now you all will have noticed increasing frequency of articles and variety of by lines going up on The Shell Case. This is because over the last 12 months I’ve been hard at work gathering together a team of writers who can offer more to our loyal...

Leaked 40k Terrain Shots

No sooner is there a leaked cover of White Dwarf showing a Void Shield Generator and my idle speculation that more scenery could be on the way, than these photos have hit the interwebs revealing Quake Cannon craters – which look way cool – and a couple...

Halo Mega Bloks: Infinity Armour Bay – A Review

Halo isn’t for everyone. There I said it. It isn’t for everyone because some people don’t like sci-fi. And some are more interested in bullet porn than plot. I am not one of those people. I love sci-fi. I love a game driven by a story – a...

Leaked White Dwarf Cover

A leaked shot of the front cover of the next White Dwarf reveals a Void Shield Generator. Aside from being way cool this could mean more new shiny scenery kits…