Gale Force 9 Space Game Mat – A Review

As Mat and I have been getting a raging stalk-on for the X-Wing Miniatures Game it seemed only right that I take a look at the Space Game Mats from Gale Force 9. Sized three-foot by three-foot, they’re the ideal size for X-Wing. It’s almost as if they...

X-Wing Expansion: Millennium Falcon – A Review

I think it’s fair to say that we, at The Shell Case, are rather smitten with X-Wing Miniatures Game by Fantasy Flight Games. As the team has grown I’ve been dangling the game in front of anyone who would let me and fortunately for me Mat bit and bit hard....

A Tale of Two Armies – Chapter 4

After a longer pause than intended, we submit to you, dear reader, the fourth chapter in the continuing saga of von Bomburg and von Strauss… All along the clearing the forces of Order and Chaos clashed. Skullcrushers rampaged through units of infantry, Chaos...

Dreadball Xtreme on Kickstarter

Once again Mantic are taking to Kickstarter for their next game project instead of fronting the capital themselves. I like Mantic, I like their games and…well, their models are okay, but I’m disappointed that they are once again using crowd funding. Aside...