More Leaked 40k Imperial Knight Images

The Imperial Knight really does look a bit awesome. And it’s release, judging by the cover shot below, is imminent. Spare underwear at the ready… There’s a WIP shot of the kit below as well which gives you an idea of the scale, the posability of the...

Leaked 40k Chaos Helbrute Images

After a loooooooooooong wait Chaos Space Marine players can rejoice that a multi-part plastic Helbrute is finally on its way. By the looks of the leaked photos below there’s only one body option but several head pieces so kinda like the plastic Venerable...

X-Wing Miniatures Game: Battle Report 2

‘Rogue Leader,’ Luke Skywalker’s comm buzzed with background interference, ‘I’m picking up a cruiser at the edge of sensor range.’ There was a pause. ‘I can’t get a firm read but I am detecting multiple fighter...

Warhammer 40k Imperial Knight Teaser

With just 5 days for us to take out small loans, rinse our credit cards, raid our children’s piggy banks or steal their new shoe money the Games Workshop have released a teaser trailer for the new Imperial Knight. As per usual it shows feck all and gives us know...

Firefly: Breakin’ Atmo’ – A Review

A couple of weeks ago I had the very great pleasure of reviewing Firefly The Game. I thoroughly enjoyed the offering from Gale Force 9 with very little in the way of criticism. It is both a must have for fans but a superb board game for those completely naive or...