Warhammer Dwarfs Images Leaked

As the Dwarfs waddle their way ever closer to release the iffy snaps from White Dwarf have inevitably made their way on to the interwebs. By the looks of things we have a couple of gyroscope variations, an engineer and a heroic hero type chap. Overall it all looks...

Chaos Slaughterbrute – A Review

Regular readers will know that the ambition behind A Tale of Two Armies is to gradually build our forces up by 500 points a month, each month, until we hit 3,000 points. This month we’ll be busting out 2,000 points which will mean using the Dragon Ogres and...

X-Wing Miniatures Game Battle Report

Those that were on Twitter last Friday night (GMT) would have seen me live tweeting the game of the X-Wing Miniatures Game Mat and I were playing. We (I) enjoyed ourselves so much that we (I) thought we’d write a battle report of what went on. There was a...

Warhammer Armies Dwarfs Cover Revealed

Generally speaking I think all the Warhammer Armies cover art has been pretty awesome. The Dwarfs one doesn’t disappoint. It possesses such grim determination whilst being quite understated. It’s not exploding with violence. Understated is good. This may...

Warhammer Dwarfs Available to Pre-Order

The latest iteration of Warhammer Armies Dwarfs is about to drop and with it some beardy new releases. Sadly the standard Dwarf warriors aren’t amongst them And by the looks of things, neither are the Trollslayers. Which means that Avatars of War will be doing a...