Firefly The Game – A Review

Back in 2002 a writer by the name of Joss Whedon aired a show on Fox about a crew on board a transport ship just trying to get by in an uncaring galaxy. Uncaring indeed for despite a superb cast, better writing and production & styling that was sublime, it was...

Breaking Bad

So I’ve been a little quiet lately for which I must apologise. Having given my contributors a hard time just prior to Christmas about keeping up content I almost went into hiding. There’s a few reasons for this, some of them work related, some of them...

Tyranids Available to Pre-Order

Tyranids are once again lumbering into view with a new codex, lots of old models re-boxed and marked up (two Carnifexes/Carnifi for £55) and a couple of new models to spice things up. Sadly, the two big releases, the Harpy and the Haruspex have really failed to set my...


As it’s 1st January 2014 I thought I would write a post, like last year and the year before, listing my new year’s resolutions. Looking back at last year’s resolutions I didn’t do too badly. I did become a dad. The Shell Case Shorts Anthology...
2013 in Review

2013 in Review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for The Shell Case. Here’s an excerpt: The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 190,000 times in 2013. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it...