#warmonger of the Year 2013

A year or so ago, on a bit of a whim, I decided I’d find out who the #warmongers community thought had contributed the most to our merry band and reward them for their efforts. After a lot of votes and some very worthy nominees @docbungle was the deserving...
Merry Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

So another year, another Christmas. There’ll be a year in review post on New Year’s Eve but needless to say it’s been a very eventful one for me, The Shell Case and the hobby. But more on that next week. It’s been great to see the #warmongers...

Amera River Sections – A Review

As A Tale of Two Armies series ramps ever upwards towards the 3,000 point total and an almighty game of fisticuffs I started thinking about the different types of scenery that could give the games a bit of zing. And those lovely people at Amera obliged me with a...

Chaos Dragon Ogres – A Review

As we’re closing in on Christmas I thought I’d cram in one more review for the ongoing A Tale of Two Armies series and a unit that will feature in my 2,000 point list. The Dragon Ogres were always a unit I wanted in my Chaos army of old but never bothered...

A Tale of Two Armies – Chapter 3

And so we get to chapter 3 of the expanding tale of Ludwig von Bomburg and his nemesis; von Strauss the Red. This narrative relates to the 1,000 point game Lee & I played a month ago – yes I’ve been very slack. von Strauss eyed the Empire army with...