A Tale of Two Armies – Chapter 2

Ahead of the narrative to go with the 1,000 point game Lee and I played a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to write a middle part to set the scene, if you will. von Strauss grunted with satisfaction as Baduk’s axe impacted against the chest of his beastman opponent...

Dreadball Ultimate – A Review

It’s time to once again done our spangly jumpsuits and silly helmets and try to catch some speeding balls… I refer to, of course, to Dreadball Ultimate, the third rule release for Dreadball from Mantic. Regular readers will know that I’m a big fan of...

Godslayer Troglodytes – A Review

It’s been a wee while since I last looked at the awesome game that is Godslayer from Megalith Games. As I wander ever further down the path of damnation with A Tale of Two Armies I thought I’d take time out to look at my other favourite fantasy game. This...

Lego TV Spot

I know it’s not hobby but it’s Lego and it’s awesome. So bite me. Plus I can remember doing stuff like this with my Dad & brother, and can’t wait to do this with my kids in a few short years. That and Lee (@leefaccini) loves Lego so this is...

Tiny Worlds’ Tank Traps – A Review

Regular readers may remember back in August I did a review of the Jersey Barriers from Tiny Worlds Wargaming. I was rather taken with them. Not just because they were awesome but because they were awesome and an incredibly reasonable price – rather blowing the...