Triumph & Treachery Teaser

A rare teaser trailer for a Warhammer product! Be still my beating heart. Although it lives up to its name by not really showing anything. My worry is that it’ll be a supplement for the already twatty minded gamers to be even twattier. But the thought of 3, 4 or...

Codex Inquisition Cover Revealed

The Inquisition are on the move. And they have pointy sticks and fiery torches to shove up heretics’ bottoms. And here’s the cover… It rather lacks the gravity of the main Codex releases but you still wouldn’t mess with him.  

New Multiplayer Warhammer Supplement

That’s right folks, the Games Workshop will be releasing a supplement for Warhammer entitled Triumph & Treachery. At £50 for a 96 page books plus some cardboard it’s a tad on the pricey side but it does allow you to play a game of Warhammer with 3 or...

Batman: Arkham Origins – A Review

When I heard that there was going to be another Batman: Arkham game I was excited. When I heard it was going to be a prequel I pulled a face but wasn’t surprised as Arkham City had ended rather definitively. Then I heard that Rocksteady wasn’t to helm the...

A Tale of Two Armies – 1,000 point lists

As we hurtle towards the end of October we’re also fast approaching the next game Lee and I slog out for A Tale of Two Gamers. This month it’s a one thousand point game of fisticuffs. Surprisingly it was me that took the longest to write my army list as...