Sicaran Battle Tank Unleashed

Shots of this bad boy popped up a little while ago across the interwebs. And from the 30th August you can own one from the good people from Forge World. Providing you have £72 notes. It looks completely awesome and I want one slightly more than I’ve wanted...

Tabletop World Cottage – A Review

I’m rarely surprised. I’m also rarely lost for words. But I was both of those things when my wife picked up the cottage I’d received from Tabletop World and said: ‘wow that’s amazing! Look how much detail there is!’ Now, just to be...

Warhammer 40k Apocalypse – A Review

So the time has come for me to cast my eye over the supplement that has had both sides of the community foaming at the mouth but for very different reasons. I of course can only mean the second iteration of the 40k supplement: Apocalypse. It’s an aptly named...

Leaked Space Marine Tactical Squad Images

Yes, even more leaked Space Marine images. This time the all important Tactical Squad. Rejoice wargamers because it looks like they’ll be a squad of 10 after all but goodness knows how much they’ll be. They look like they’ve just been tidied up...

A Tribute to Warmaster

As a bonus for our tribute to the Specialist Games range I’m delighted to be able to bring you a post about Warmaster. It was a game I always wanted to play but never got the opportunity so beyond reading the rules a very long time ago my experience is all but...