ODAM 7 – Warning Might Contain Phil

In the seventh Of Dice and Men show, we manage to insult just about everyone including Warmachine fans and, as it goes, Firefly fans. So go us. My bitterness levels may be slightly higher than normal, which may have been proportionate to the amount of alcohol...

Space Hulk Pre-Order Trailer

Full Control have released the pre-order trailer for the soon to be released Space Hulk video game. The finished product is leagues ahead of the early shots and goes to show how hard Full Control have worked. Needless to say I will be reviewing it as soon as possible.

How to make a Mycetic Spore

Those clever buggers over at Warp Forged Miniatures have done a brilliant tutorial on how to make your own Mycetic Spore, so thought I’d share. And a taster for something awesome that they’re working on in the background. But mum’s the word on that...

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Reblogged from Sarah Cawkwell's Blog: A recent news blog mentioned a ‘typically geeky’ hobby – that of war gaming and Warhammer in particular. No linkage, because he doesn't need any more publicity. Also, I am on my phone and don't have it to hand. So ner....

More Lizardmen Leaks

Okay, some of these look pretty cool. In summary: Carnosaur big. Bastiladon big and has a stupid name. Cool floaty skink priest bloke. Lots of flying things.