Ryushi Previews for Firestorm Armada

I don’t know. I say nothing about Spartan Games for months and now they’re practically all I talk about. Well, not really but still. The Ryushi are on their way and my goodness me they look a little bit lovely. They’re a Kurak Alliance fleet so most...

New Godslayer Previews

I love Megalith. I love them because they created Godslayer and I love them because they’re releasing some truly awesome stuff… First up – Sons of War. They’re by all accounts warriors without peer, which I’m kinda getting the impression...

Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition – A Review

As it’s been a while since I looked at something from Spartan I thought I’d take a look at the Russian Coalition starter set because, well, I think they look ace. And ace they are. Weirdly, for me, the tiny flyers are a stand out favourite. They’re...

Codex Eldar – A Review

A little later than planned thanks to Royal Mail robbing no less than two parcels, it’s time to take a look at the new Codex Eldar. Let’s get two things out-of-the-way off the bat. 1. The cover is stunning. With each new codex the artwork just gets better...

Space Hulk Gameplay

So here’s a video of some game play (plus an interview) from Feat the Flames, of Space Hulk from Full Control. Since the video from March the graphics have been tidied up loads, the light sourcing and over environments look ace and the terminators walk now. And...