Space Marine Apocalypse Leaks

Well we all knew it was going to happen. An imminent release means leaked photos. Interestingly rather than some of the big stuff trickling out the door it’s the revamped company masters. If I’m honest, I’m not sold. They’re too blatant....

Ichiban Painting – How to Paint a Nebula

Tip top #warmonger and friend of The Shell Case, Hugo of Ichiban Painting, has done a brilliant video on how to recreate the truly awesome nebula style paint scheme he did on the belly of his Eldar fighter. It requires an airbrush so if, like me, you require adult...

Forge World Space Marine Glaive

Snapped a while back at the Forge World Open Day, the Space Marine Glaive is now available to pre-order and due for release on the 28th June. Interestingly it was originally called the Fellglaive but the ‘fell’ part of the name has been dropped. Anyway,...

Dying Star Oblivion – An Interview

Unless you’ve been ignoring these last couple of weeks – which is entirely likely – you’ll know I’ve been banging on about a game on Kickstarter called Dying Star: Oblivion based on the fantasy trilogy by the awesome Samsun Lobe....

Space Hulk Video Game News

Well, news to me at any rate… You may remember back in December I posted the announcement trailer of yet another Space Hulk video game. I was quite unkind about it. And for good reason as the track record for the Space Hulk video game franchise is not a good...