Gruntz: A Review

Reblogged from Political Dice: Yes ladies and germs, at long last since I first started interviewing independant developers I have managed to get my local group to drop Warmachine/Hordes just enough to allow other games a peek and , due in part to the cheapness of the...

Dying Star Oblivion Giveaway

Yesterday I wrote a little bit about the Dying Star Oblivion Kickstarter from Superfluid Industries. Not being one to leave you lot alone with an idea I’ve been a busy bee in an effort to make this game the success it deserves to be. As such, I’m very...

Dying Star Oblivion on Kickstarter

Another a week and another wargaming kickstarter I hear you say. Well yes, but we at The Shell Case don’t showcase any old tat; we have a far more sophisticated palate and so only waggle our searchlight on the shiniest and face mangiest of games. This time...

Warhammer Quest – A Review

A long time ago, back in the late 20th Century there was a board game that captured the underground shenanigans of Hero Quest with the horror and violence of Warhammer world. And it was called Warhammer Quest. It was also a box set crammed full of plastic and carboard...