ODAM Episode 6 – The Bitterness Show

Another month and another show. This episode we’re all full of bile and bitterness and it’s all about rants. It seems that we’re all a very grumpy bunch of wargamers. We’re probably over tired and need a nap. Or maybe rum. Anyway, hold onto your fan rage gland and get...

An Interview with Maki Games

Yesterday I put up a post talking about the Maki Games kickstarter. A modular scenery system that, frankly, looks freaking awesome. In fact I was so impressed I got in touch with them and ended up doing an interview with the man behind the vision; Emiliano....

Maki Games on Kickstarter

I have very mixed feelings about Kicksarter, Indiegogo and crowd funding in general. Mantic and other established companies have been using it as a pre-order system and a cash camel for a while now which is choking off funding for other smaller companies and start-ups...

Legion Praetors from Forge World

Oh Forge World you bastards! There’s me trying to be good with my pennies this month and you release these two beauties that would perfectly replace the dated models I have leading my 1st and 5th Ultramarine companies. £30 for two Legion Praetors isn’t too...