More Eldar Images Leaked

Two more little gems for you from the up coming White Dwarf of new Eldar stuff. Wraithblades and the new Eldar flyer, the name of which escapes me. I’m not convinced by the distinctly human design of the flyer. Looks a little bit like the Eurofighter in...

Horus Heresy Weekender Charity Giveaway

John Caboche of The First Expedition forum is running a Horus Heresy Weekender charity raffle to raise money for Swindon Children without a Diagnosis which is an extremely worthwhile and important cause to support. Because it’s for children for crying out loud....

Batman – Arkham Origins Trailer

This is just too cool not to share. They’ve done me Batman proud with this one. Can’t wait for the game release in a couple of short months.

Dreadball Arena – A Review

Whilst at Salute this year I stopped off at good friend of The Shell Case, Amera Plastic Mouldings. I’ve always been a fan of the company as they produce great looking terrain at prices that won’t make you begrudge paying it. And as scenery is often the...