Wayland Games to Acquire Vesper-On Games

It has been revealed to me by an anonymous source that as part of Wayland Games’ bid to launch a game studio that they will be acquiring Vesper-On Games, the people who product Carnivale. What this means for the company is yet unknown beyond Wayland clearly...

Wayland Games Announces Game Studio

Well they’ve been up to something for a while and this appears to be it; news that Wayland Games are teaming up with Well Forged to establish a game studio bring the game HOX to tabletops around the world. Anyone’s guess what it’ll be about but...

Studio McVey Previews

Studio McVey have previewed a couple of models that’ll be available at Salute this year. As I’m still riding high on my Sedition Wars buzz I can see myself handing Mr McVey all my money, a kidney, and possibly my first-born in exchange for these little...

KR Multicase – A Review Part 2

Regular readers will remember that I did a review on the KR Multicase Aquila 1 & 2 cases back in September 2012. You may also notice that it is April 2013 which means only one thing: I’ve been utterly shit at getting this second review out. However, this...

Sedition War: Battle for Alabaster – A Review

A long time ago in the midst of October 2011 I reviewed the beta rules for Sedition Wars and concluded that I had something rather special on my hands. Since then I kept a weather-eye on the Studio McVey website and was pleased to see Mike and the team launch a...