More Tau Images Leaked

Yep, more White Dwarf snaps of the new Tau stuff. Dribble, drool, or, like me, roll your eyes at the clunkiness of Farsight and go back to your Space Marines.

Tau Images Leaked

Well another new release and another set of shoddy photos taken by someone who got their hands on a White Dwarf before anyone else. I did actually spot these at around 3am whilst trying to get the baby to settle but I didn’t think the wife would appreciate me...

The Tragedy of Mortarion

Mortarion, the Emperor’s fourteenth son and Primarch of the Death Guard Legiones Astartes was doomed the moment he crash landed on Barbarus. A brutal world ruled over by petty warlords who subjected its people to horrors unimaginable for sport and the furthering...

Post battle Report imperial Guard Vs Necrons 1750

Reblogged from ozrax's Blog: Hi All, Today, 16th March 2013, Lee Bedford and I fought a 1750pts game of 40k at Warhammer world. Now, I am not going to do a full Batrep, as there is way too much to tell, so here are the Hi-lights with some comment as we go. I...

Dreadball Season 2

That’s right sports fans, the next wave of Dreadball stuff is here and includes a supplement with a rather sexy, rendered, cover… Although it’s great to see new shizzle coming out for a game that I’m really quite taken with – and £9.99...