Codex Craftworlds – A Review

Another year another Eldar Codex. At least it seems that way. Eldar have been a headache for the design team ever since the first Codex that came out for second edition 40k. They’re a fascinating army in terms of background, army composition and game play. Not...

Battle fleet Gothic Armada Trailer

Whilst I’d still prefer Battlefleet Gothic to be a current, supported game on the tabletop, I’m genuinely looking forward to the video game port. it looks fantastic and the developers seem to understand what made Gothic so special in the first place.  

Star Wars Armada – A Review

Now I seem to remember saying some time ago, around about the time I had a game of X-Wing involving a full squadron of fighters, that X-Wing – as much as I love it – doesn’t have the slick rules or the flexibility for really big games. A dozen...

Codex Adeptus Astartes – A Review

I must admit, when I saw a new Codex Space Marines had been released I had to check the date of my last review to make sure I wasn’t going mad. The previous edition was just 2 years old. Now I’ve never been one to stand in the way of progress (stop...

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – A Review

I leave the hobby alone for five minutes! A lot has changed during my hiatus. There’s bat shit crazy amounts of new stuff for X-Wing. There’s whole new armies for 40k and yet more re-released rulebooks. Spartan Games has landed a Halo fleet game (soooo...