Dreadball Midgard Delvers – A Review

Okay, okay I admit it; I’m a fan. My third review on Dreadball, by Mantic, I decided that as the Skaven in Space got some love, then the Dwarves in Space, aka the Squats  Forge Fathers, should get the same. I refer, of course, to the Midgard Delvers. Which...

Godslayer Giveaway Winners

Well the week sure did go quick and as it’s Friday that means it’s time to announce the winners of the Godslayer Giveaway. There was a fantastic response for the competition and it’s great to see a very worthy Kickstarter getting some needed...

No more Heresy…

Reblogged from Mephiston's Wargame blog: So, in general I've been buying and reading the Horus Heresy books as they have been published, and I can honestly say I've enjoyed over half of them. However in light of this article -...

Godslayer Giveaway

Following on from my Godslayer review, those lovely chaps at Megalith have sent me no less than 3 Godslayer starter boxsets to give away to my fine and lovely readers. Up for grabs are the Halodynes, Nordgaard and Troglodytes each worth £35 each. All you have to do is...

Godslayer – A Review

Despite my love for science fiction, boltguns, space ships and transhumans I cut my wargaming teeth over 20 years ago on fantasy games like Hero Quest fuelled by history lessons learning about Rome and Ancient Greece, cartoons like Dungeons and Dragons and movies like...