Spartan Ops – Episode 8

Another week and another set of missions for the brave Spartan IVs aboard the UNSC Infinity. And that means only one thing…another episode of CGI gorgeousness. This week there is much face kickery. Much like last week…

Dark Angels Deathwing – A Review

Following on from my review of Codex Dark Angels a few days ago I thought I’d follow it up with a kit that has got more than a few people yapping. I refer to, of course, the Deathwing Terminator box… Now the first thing is that the box gives you enough...

Convergence of Cyriss

Privateer Press are releasing a new faction for Warmachine called the Convergence of Cyriss. Think a cross between the Empire Colleges of Magic and the Adeptus Mechanicus and you’re in the right ball park… But, to be fair, some of the models do look pretty...

The Tragedy of Angron

It’s been quite a while since I waxed lyrical about 40k and as I’ve been ploughing through the Horus Hersy novels as well as listening to all the audio dramas my thoughts have turned to the XII legion and their Primarch, the warrior king, Angron. Of all...

Lack of Pinterest

Some of you may have noticed a rather lovely winged P icon over on the right side of the blog. If you haven’t, it’s this… If you haven’t you’d be entirely forgiven as I’ve been neglecting it of late and this is something I’d...