What’s Next for Games Workshop?

I’ve been musing to myself recently that there has been a noticeable slip in quality from Games Workshop lately. Partly in terms of customer service in some stores – this is anecdotal evidence from various sources, the over emphasis on service towards...

Halo 4 – Glad you Came

Many thanks to Adam of War More Radio and Of Dice and Men fame for sharing this with me. It’s too funny not to do the same with you fine people.

Dreadball – A Review

That’s right sports fans, it’s time for Dreadball. Or as some may choose to call it…Blood Bowl in Space. Or Speedball 3… Never let it be said that Mantic are afraid of running with a good idea. But seeing as Jake Thornton penned this particular...

Of Dice & Men – Episode 3

A new year and a new episode. This episode we have a very special guest in the form of @docbungle, writer of Miniature Musings of a Bear. We talk about #MiniatureMonday, the new Dark Angels (that we make out to be a Greek Tragedy), hobby resolutions and a bunch of...

Post 600

I had planned on making my Dreadball review my 600th post but it seemed far more appropriate to once again extend my thanks to all my readers and followers on Twitter and Facebook. Special thanks goes to Dave over on Miniature Musings of a Bear, Jason & Nate at...