Batman vs Superman Comi-Con Trailer

I’ve been quietly optimistic about this movie. Man of Steel, whilst getting lukewarm reviews, was actually a pretty good Superman movie. It received a lot of negative feedback for the level of carnage wrought on Metropolis but I thought it was pretty...

Halo 5: Guardians Campaign Footage

I know I’ve been quiet again lately which wasn’t the plan but it was unavoidable but for far less dramatic reasons than the last time. That’s not to say I have much to talk about. So instead I’m just going to share the Halo 5: Guardians...

The Daughter of Lahmia

As I mentioned in my return post, I’m working on an Undead warband for Mordheim. I’ve always toyed with Undead armies. I’ve found the background fascinating and the models – for the most part – pretty awesome. The two things that...

Special Ammunition

6 months ago I took a leave of absence. My life was getting very complicated and things were reaching a critical mass that would have seen, amongst other things, myself explode like a poodle in a microwave. Things are much better. Still complicated but I am happier....

#warmonger of the year 2014

Apologies for putting this up later than planned. Things in my world aren’t settled yet. Improving but not there yet. And beyond these very rare updates I’m still not sure when, if ever, this site will be back up to speed. However, regardless of how daft...