Low Ammo

It’s with a great deal of sadness that I must announce that The Shell Case will be going on indefinite hiatus. The site has been plagued by misfortune since May with the long-term plans for the site falling through, the team of contributors I’d worked hard...

Arkham Knight Gameplay Trailer

Warning: May cause sticky pants. This game looks epic. I mean really epic. And the combat seems to have been refined to the point of perfection. I cannot wait for this game. Or for someone to give me an XBox One to play it on. Hint hint.

Ork Gorkanaut – A Review

This review is later than planned because my daughter selfishly got sick and meant all my evenings were spent caring for her instead of building the Gorkanaut. I’ve still not finished it but I’m far enough along that I can confidently review it. It’s...

Fast Movers in 40k

Last Thursday I got a game of 40k in using my new Ork army. As it was their second outing I thought I’d mix it up a bit and give the Dakkajet a try because, well it’s freaking cool. For reasons passing my understanding, I told Lee I’d be taking a...