State of the Hunt, week 43/2020: Blood on the tracks

Hey everyone, I have been sitting on this next update for quite a while, but it has been an “eventful” couple of weeks, so you’re only getting some new content now. It’s also nothing special, really — just a few more kitbashes I have been...


Hey everyone, just a quick post for today — and one that mostly works as a shout out to the fine folks over at 28 Mag who have managed to release another issue of their incredible mag earlier today: If you are already familiar with the mag and the people behind...

State of the Hunt, week 37/2020: Slow and steady…

I keep chugging along, messing with World Eaters models, but as it turns out, several little things can make for a rather sizeable post when combined, so let’s take a look at what I am currently up to: I. Number Nine First up, I have managed to paint the ninth...

State of the Hunt, week 35/2020: Blood and Plague

Another update today, and while I only have a few things to show you, I don’t want this blog to fall silent again, so here goes: First up, I thought it would be fun to take a quick snapshot of all the models in my World Eaters collection that actually use the...