Knight in fuzzy armour? Painting my Chaos Knight, pt. 1

Oh boy, where to start…? It’s been a rather eventful couple of days, from a hobby perspective, and I have been through a veritable rollercoaster of emotions. So what happened? Everything started when I finally decided to paint my converted Chaos Knight:...

Knight in fuzzy armour? Painting my Chaos Knight, pt. 1

Oh boy, where to start…? It’s been a rather eventful couple of days, from a hobby perspective, and I have been through a veritable rollercoaster of emotions. So what happened? Everything started when I finally decided to paint my converted Chaos Knight:...

Back to AdMech — at least for a while…

Hey everyone, I only have some new kitbashes for todays’s update, seeing how I am currently swamped with work — and both my plans for the Age of Sigmar starter box minis as well as the paintjob for my “Stormcast Inquisitor” will still take some...

Age of Sigmar: Fun with freebies

While the ruinstorm of nerd rage is still going strong elsewhere on the internet, I am slowly coming to grips with the implications of the recent Age of Sigmar release — maybe my terribly wordy post on the matter did function as some kind of therapy, after all?...