40k Zombies!

Welcome back one and all to the Scratchbuilt 40k zombie files.  Just kidding, sorta.  With school starting up again, I'm going to apprehensively say updates may be a little slow, especially during the next three weeks where I'm also working 40...

A new year and a new set of models to compare

Hey all, happy new year!  Post is a little later than I intended, but lets pretend it was intentional to happen in the new year :)I've been putting off a set of models for a while now, mostly due to not being used to large units to put together.  Anyways,...

Completed unit of 9 Custom Screamers

Welcome back fellow hobbyists.  This project of scratch built Screamers feels like I've been at it forever, but I can finally say I have a completed unit to show off.While it's been fun designing, casting, building, and painting the unit, it feels like a long...

Custom Screamers progress report

Hey all, welcome back to Scratchbuilt 40k.  I know, it's been a very long time since I've updated the site, but like in all cases of life taking up too much time, the hobby suffers.But lets forget all that and focus on what I have been able to do in the short...

Hiatus- Just 2 more weeks

Hang tight, folks.  I know I haven't updated in quite a while, but rest assured in a couple weeks you'll have more posts than you can handle.  I promise :)