by krisken | Nov 12, 2012
Welcome back, all. Today I want to talk about something near and dear to my heart- getting the most out of the hobby.When I began this this blog in April of 2010, I belonged to a local playgroup in my small city in Wisconsin. Most of us had a small budget...
by krisken | Oct 29, 2012
Welcome back scratchbuilders and 40k miniature enthusiasts. Last week I shared pictures of the swamp bases I plan to use for my Chaos Space Marine army, promising I would go over the steps I took to make them.I started out with a bottle cap which was the size of...
by krisken | Oct 22, 2012
Welcome back, scratchbuilders! Today I'm going to show off some swamp style bases I created.When I first began these bases, I thought it would be a simple case of taping up the sides and filling in the extra spaces with some water effects. Boy, was I...
by krisken | Oct 14, 2012
Hello fellow scratch builders and money savers! I've been working on the Typhus model i received with my Chaos Codex and thought it might be fun to go over the thought process I followed in painting him.Here we have the primed, unpainted model. This being...