Custom Eldar Jetbike Painting progress 1

Custom Eldar Jetbike Painting progress 1

Nice short post tonight on SB40k.  This is a sort of preview of how the Jetbikes will look when completed.  Still have to paint the gems, the computer panel, and glue the Guardians in place.I may decide to do something fancy yet, still not sure.
Eldar Jetbike Custome Build, Part 5

Eldar Jetbike Custome Build, Part 5

Hey all, welcome back to Scratchbuilt 40k!  It took a lot of doing, but I believe the custom jetbike prototypes are finished and ready to be painted.  Lets see what we've got, shall we?Since the last update I've included Eldar gems, which has improved the...
Eldar Jetbike Custom Build, Part 4

Eldar Jetbike Custom Build, Part 4

Hello all, welcome back to SB40k!  Been putting a lot of time into these Jetbikes, and they are starting to shape up the way I had envisioned.  On to the pictures!If you don't remember where we left off last week, the vehicle was looking a little like a...
Eldar Jetbike Custom Build, Part 3

Eldar Jetbike Custom Build, Part 3

Hey all welcome back to SB40k!  Today I'm back at improving the Jetbike I've been attempting to scratch build and sharing the process so far.Starting with the bottom portion, I've done a little work beginning the details.  I first began cutting out the area...
Eldar Jetbike Custom Build, Part 2

Eldar Jetbike Custom Build, Part 2

Welcome back to SB40k.  Today I continue to document the project I began chronicling on Sunday, Eldar Jetbike Custom Build Part 1.  Today I'll be working on the upper half of the bike a bit more.So after using part of the GW Eldar Jetbike front piece, I...