FMC list got some new UFO’s

FMC list got some new UFO’s

Hey all, welcome back to Scratchbuilt 40k!  I know things have been a little lean here lately, but that's not to say I haven't been doing anything hobby related.Over the last two months I've been sprucing up the brain-horrors of Tzeentch to ensure they are up to...

Not dead yet!

Hello fellow game enthusiasts and scratch builders!  I know it's been almost a month since I've written a post, but I wanted to let you all know I haven't stopped hobbying and I do plan to update the blog very soon.I could come up with dozens of excuses to...
Heldrake in black, base finished

Heldrake in black, base finished

Well, now we're getting somewhere, aren't we!  Welcome back everyone to SB40k and my continuing journey to complete just one Heldrake I converted from a Soul Grinder's legs and building materials.I don't have a lot to show, really, but it is starting to at least...
Time for Heldrake Engines

Time for Heldrake Engines

It's that time again, scratch build fans!  Time to give a small update on the progress I've made on those Heldrakes, focusing on the engines I've put together.I opted for a simple design, hexagonal in nature.  I decided not to worry about making sure each of...
Heldrake Gains a Tail

Heldrake Gains a Tail

Hey all, welcome back!  Today I'll be continuing to share the progress on my Heldrakes.  We've all seen the, ahem, 'rear hole', on the official model, and I really wanted to avoid that look.  After I took pictures a couple weeks ago, I realized the...