Making Soul Grinders Heldrakes

Making Soul Grinders Heldrakes

Hey all, going to keep things fairly short and just share what I've been working on.  Not long ago I finished (mostly) the Tzeentch Daemon army I had been putting together and felt it might be neat to put the finishing touches on the Chaos Space Marine army I had...
Two steps forward, one step back

Two steps forward, one step back

Hey all, welcome back to SB40k.  Been a while since I've updated, so I thought I'd at the very least share the un-progress I've made in the last three weeks, starting with the UFO Lord of Change.  After watching the 11th Company live streaming of the Nova...

Ninety Nine Horrors (But GW Ain’t One)

Welcome back to SB40k all.  You might recall that over the last month or so I've been hard at work trying to get my brain horror squads ready for the table top.  I figure now is a good time to show what I have accomplished and mention just how much I have to...

Scratch Built Horrors All Painted Up

Welcome back to SB40k one and all.  I've made some huge strides in my progress this week, completing the painting portion of the Brain/Horrors of Tzeentch.  Ninety Horrors now sit happily within their protective foam, awaiting the next step in the modeling...

Where the Horrors are now

Welcome back everyone to SB40k.  Over the last week or so I've been hard at work trying to complete the Pink Horrors I created last month.  I'm making huge strides (for me, that is) in getting the army completed as quickly as possible.I have 40 of the...