Scratch Built Portalglyph, Horror progress

Hello all, welcome back to SB 40k!  I've been hard at work trying to get the scratch built Horrors in a place where I feel comfortable sharing them, and I think I'm at that place.  First, though, here is the scratch built Portalglyph I threw together...

Variety- From Multiple Armies to a Single Codex

Welcome back Scratchbuilders!  Today I'm going to talk a little about what I've noticed since 6th edition books have started to become more prevalent, especially from the viewpoint of a Chaos Daemon player- variety.Now don't get me wrong, the 40k universe is...

Aegis Defense Line and Quad Gun for Chaos SB

Welcome back all you fine folks!  I've been busy trying to make this Chaos army table ready, adding bits here and there to fill in gaps and weaknesses wherever possible.  This week I was able to add in some walls and a gun to act as a Aegis defense Line and...

Scratch Land Raiders almost ready for paint

Hello all and welcome back.  Right now the Landraiders are coming along nicely and are fairly close to ready to get the paint I desperately desire to apply.  I've added spikes to the vehicle and have a few surfaces which would benefit from a little detail...