Flesh Hound stand in progress- killbots on treads

Hello all, welcome back to SB40k.  Things are progressing nicely here with the scratch building of the Daemon force.  Figuring 40 brain Horrors would be enough for now, along with Heralds to lead them, I've switched gears to focusing on the Flesh Hounds and...

Soul Grinder and ‘Bloodletter’ progress update

Hey everyone, welcome back to SB40k.  I missed a week there with a post but hopefully I'll be forgiven after doing this post with extra pictures!  First I'll go over my hobby progress and then I'll talk about the game I played last Sunday.First up, the Soul...

What I’m Using For a Lord of Change and Painted Eldrad Winner

Hello fellow scratch builders and hobby enthusiasts!  Welcome back to the site.  This week I'll be going over the newest scratch build I created, a UFO piloted by one of my brains to act as a Lord of Change, followed by announcing the winner of the contest...

Finished Brain Horror Squads, What’s to Come, and a Battle

Welcome back one and all.  Today I'll be covering the Brain Horror finished models, the future plans for the other Daemon units, and even talk about a game I played this weekend (wait, this is a game, too?).The Horror Brains are a blast to put together....

Fully Painted Eldrad Give-away and Horror Brain Progress

Hello fellow scratchbuilders/hobby enthusiasts!  Welcome back to Scratchbuilt 40k.  Today I decided it has been a long time since I did a giveaway for you fine folks who have been reading my blog over the last couple years.  As such, I'm announcing...