Um… hi.  I’m back again.

Um… hi. I’m back again.

*Blows Dust off blog*Hi there.  It has been a very long time since I have used this thing.  I did have plans of using a wordpress blog, but it does not get anyway near the traffic that Blogger does.  It was being used (and still will be) for more...

Space Wolves nearing the end

So, I found a little bit of time this weekend (between getting smashed at Talisman) to get the bases of the wolf squad finished off.  Again, these are quick photos taken on my phone camera so don't expect too much.  So, first of all....The bases.  I...

More hunters

More work today equals two finished Hunters, minus the bases.  Also some quick pictures, not the best I have done.

The first of the Pack

For those who read my previous post, a good month ago, will know that my lamp broke.  And now, it is fixed!  Well, actually I got a new one, an even better one.  I received it on Wednesday, and ever since been plugging away at a wolf.  A Space...

My Lamp Died!

Simply as said my hobby lamp has died. It just flickers now.  I'm looking for a replacement lamp, it must be daylight and it must be cheapish.  Anyone got any ideas?