A decade of Beards and Ale

My current dwarf armyAs you might have guessed from the multitude of posts with them in, I am a dwarf player.  I have been one just just over a decade, they were my very first army and introduction into the Warhammer hobby.  I am looking to expand my army...

2012 – The Year of Beards

Another year has slowly sailed on by, leaving us to do the trend of looking back over our year in the hobby and discuss.  So, I’m going to do just that.So, looking over my blog statistics and my spread sheet I keep I have done a total of 55 posts and painted a...

Boardgames – I LOVE THEM!

My dream one day...This isn't something that I have chatted on extensively on my blog, it has usually been exclusively for my miniature gaming hobby (or in my case, painting).  However, I am a HUGE boardgaming fan.  I love boardgames, in many cases if...

Secret Santa: Necromancer

So, entering into the later stages of December I have had to push myself to finish this guy off.  I just have the base to complete now and he is ready to be sent off to a fellow forum member. The book I really happy with, perhaps the little sketches could have...