Display time!

I have finally got my display cabinet sorted!  It has only been about three months, but finally I can get the dwarfs out for display.  This is all the dwarfs I have painted and based for the new look dwarf army.  I have also put on the top shelf the...

Slayer finished, and ended auctions

So, finally, the slayer is done.  I had a ball of a time painting him up, and he made me remember that I love to paint dwarfs and I think I'm quite good at it!  This guy was also a reminder to try new stuff - the tattoos and the banner for example - and only...

Dwarf Slayer nearly there

Right, been a little while but I have slowly been working on this slayer.  I was going to avoid tattoos, but then I figured that a slayer without isn't just a slayer.  So, I added some simple designs.  I need to do freehand to improve upon it.  I...

Ebay Items – Including the Blood Bowl Team!

So, I finally got around to posting this on ebay.  I am a novice at this, so the description/posting might be a bit lame.  I'm hoping it'll go for a decent amount.  I have also put some other older stuff up as well. Here's...

Dwarf Slayer WIP

Tonight I started on the slayer for the dwarf contest being held on Librarium Online.  I haven't painted such a lot of flesh for some time, so I was practising painting some skin and working on my blending/highlighting.  The hair was blocked in to show where...