Blood Bow Team – COMPLETED!!

THEY. ARE. FINALLY. DONE. Yes.  As you might have guessed over this last month I have been painting up a blood bowl team to be sold off.  It has been one hell of a slog.  Too much of one really.  But they are done and I'm happy to sell them off,...

Blood Bowl team is almost done.

They are nearly done!  Finally.  I am a bit sick and tired of this team now, but also pretty damn pleased with them.  They all have numbers on and completed bases.  The bases I took from my dwarf team I have done before, but added some mud patches...

Getting there

It has been a little while but I've been busy.  This week has been the fiancĂ©e's birthday, then a gig to see Marcus Brigstock, a gaming night and drinks.  All in all a full week.  I did find a small amount of time to get some painting done.  I...

[Blood Bowl] Continuing the Team

Slowly been working on these guys and now have two more members painted up bringing the total to three.  I am really happy with the yellow, it doesn't show in these quick pictures but it is really quite vibrant.  The glove and ball has been done red-brown to...