4th Company

 So this go around, it's the 4th Company, one of the Battle Line Companies.  This is one of the more active companies, constantly patrolling for any threats to their sphere of influence.  After this post, there is still the 5th Company (Battle Company),...

9th Company

 So this time up is the 9th Company which is full of nice shooty devastator squads.  To keep the theme, it even has a devastator squad as the command squad.  And yes Cheef, that's two more Dreadnoughts to acquire.9th Company, Reserve Devastator Company...

7th Company Reporting From Distant Past

So this go round, we have the 7th Company.  It's made almost entirely of old 3 part marines with the exceptions being a few special weapons and the Company Captain which is an Assault on Black Reach Captain model which somehow seemed appropriate.   I...

3rd Company

So let's get the next Company of the Lions of Harlech up, and here they are - The Third Company.  This will get us to 4 of the 10 Companies posted plus there will be a couple posts on vehicles and such.  I know there are still 6 Companies to go, but looking...

2nd Company

Ok, things have been a bit off the normal around here the past month so I'm off pace a bit on posts as well as hobby time.  We'll see about getting both back on track now.  So let's start off where we left off with the Lions of Harlech with the 2nd...