Crows and Some Things That Flies

So even though I was out of town most of the past week, I did manage to continue making progress on my BattleTech mercenary force Flock of Crows.  The Second Company command lance, Second Company alpha lance, Third Company command lance, and Third Company third...

Round Up of Updates

So first up this week is that my rule book for the Imperial Skies Kickstarter arrived.  Since my models for this Kickstarter are coming from the UK while they did a publishing run of the rule books in the US, it'll be another week or two before I see my...

Progress on the Flock

So I've got some progress in on painting the Flock of Crows.  Using the first mech as a guide, I've finished the first Company.  It's a pretty simple scheme and it's definitely stands out.  I still haven't figured out how I'm going to base them, so...

Flock of Crows

So I sat down the other night to paint some more Eridani Light Horse mechs .... and nothing.  I just couldn't get going on them.  After finishing the Ghost Bear force, I wanted to get more of my ELH done but I discovered that I was just sick of painting...

Chapter Leadership

So this go around we're going to cover the leadership of the Lions of Harlech that are outside the normal companies.First up is the Chapter Master Annwn Piet Moriarty, the Lord Harlech, Dominus Cymru, Knight Commander of Tyr, Lord Defender of the Eastern Fringes,...