The First Company

So this time around, we've got the 1st Company of the Lions of Harlech. 1st Company, Veteran Company "Icons of Honor"    The 1st Company very rarely deploys in its entirety.  It mainly deploys no more than one or two squads at a time to bolster...

10th Company

So this is the first of the updated organization posts of my Lions of Harlech.  I'm starting with the 10th Company after the scout squad did so admirably in the game against Neverness.  What I've done is add a general deployment for each company as well as...

The Lions Continue To Grow

So with the way work was this week, I only made some progress, not as much as I had hoped to though.  I did get the third tactical squad assembled.  Like the other two, I went with the Heavy Bolter and Gravgun.  The Sgt likewise got a power sword and a...

RPGs and 40K Space Marines

So this past Saturday was Free RPG day, and I made it up to Dewayne's in Kingsport to partake in the fun.  I had a seat at Mike's game of Actung! Chtulhu and it's an interesting game.  Other games taking place were Frostgrave demo games, some Spelljammer,...

All Over The Place

Oh we're in for a treat today.  We've got 40K, more BattleTech Ghost Bears, and even some Bolt Action.  So sit back and enjoy the ride.First up, let's see the last of the BattleTech Ghost Bears.  All the Elementals are based so the entire force is 100%...