Clash With Kharn’s Khornies Part 2

Welcome back for part two of the epic clash of Lions vs Black Legion Khorne.  Last post had the two force lists, so now we're ready to get into the actual battle.  Our FLGS, the Johnson City Hobby Town, is great when it comes to supporting local gamers and...

Clash With Kharn’s Khornies Part 1

Various electronic sounds and lights clashed in the apothecarium of the strike cruiser Blodeuwedd as Captain Rhys Glyndwr was tended to by various apothecaries and chapter serfs.  Various members of the strike force's command were also present to check on the...

Still More Ghost Bears

So we've got more progress on my force of Ghost Bears, and the force is nearing completion.  I had a Kingfisher waiting in the mail when I got home today so it will enable me to finish the 3rd star of mechs in my force.  I just have to remember to use the...

The Lions Head To War

Silent as a predator hunting its prey, a darkened ship swims through the void of deep space in a ceaseless patrol.  A golden rampant lion upon field of blue adorns the sides of its hull and announces the presence of the Lions of Harlech Space Marines...

Ghost Bears, Light Horse, and a Bit of Bolt Action

So a bit of progress on several fronts here in the hobby realm.  First of all, the Bear Cub was finished for the Ghost Bears to finish off the Charlie Star of scouts/recon.Then it turns out that I got a great deal on some elementals on eBay, enough to do about 11...